Sexual Harrassment in its Various Forms (and why we need to talk about it)

Disclaimer : This is going to be a long article. Read when you can give it ample time. If you are still asking “Why do you need feminism?” or “Why are you talking about sex, rape and such negative things?”, please read till the end, this is for you. If you think you might find comfort in relating to my experiences, read ahead. There is nothing too big in here, just everyday things women have to face, but if you think it might trigger something, please don’t read ahead. If not, read it in one go, or read it in parts, but let it sink in. Bear with me. Have conversations about this and any other experiences any of you may have had, with someone you find comfortable. (But first make sure that they have the mental energy at that time to be a good listener, especially if you are not that close. The rest, you’re the best judge of your life.) This is not a lecture or a speech. The stories that follow are events from my past. Some of these may seem inconsequential to you. But nothing that mad...