The Curious Incident of the Reading Challenge

I like reading. This is because it allows me to think of things that are not real like a 15 year old boy with behavioural difficulties travelling alone in London. But sometimes I find it difficult to read because when I read I forget to do other things and I need to do other things for school. So I started reading less. But I miss reading. This is why I decided to do the Reading With Muffy challenge. Muffy said that I should read a book about a dog in January. Muffy is a dog I 'Follow' on Instagram. So I read 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time' by Mark Haddon. And it made me feel like this. It is very interesting because it is a murder mystery. It is also a story about a very brave boy who tries to overcome his fears and difficulties. I like this book because it is simple and people of any age can understand it. Mr Haddon used simple words to explain the complex mind of Christopher. He made sure that Christopher never goes 'Out Of Cha...