Adoption Vs. &£#%+@%/s

You might wonder why I'm writing so much about homeless kids nowadays. Well... It's because some stupid &£#%+@%/s need to get all that shit out of their heads and fill them with more positive thoughts!! Yes, I am frustrated!! I am annoyed and baffled at how people can be so RIDICULOUS!! And mean!! I'm just hoping that this post knocks some sense into their heads!! I've always wanted to adopt. I see no reason to bring an extra person into this already over populated world while so many kids live without food or water... Or worse... Without a family!! So one day, I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed, and i come across a post saying that we should popularise the idea that adoption could be one's first choice and not necessarily just an alternative for childless couples. That quote just summarised everything about this topic that I wanted to shout out to the world... And obviously, naturally, I shared it!! Then came those comments... Some were okay, ...